The star blocks I have included are mostly traditional patterns. Some of the blocks like Ohio Star dates back to the early 1800s. It was a block that was extremely popular with immigrants of the Midwest and is found in many traditional Amish quilts.
Star blocks are often used to create sampler quilts. This is when a quilt is made up of different blocks. This is a great way to learn about the different blocks and create a quilt at the same time.
Most of the blocks are in a 9 patch block format consisting 3 rows of 3 squares. Each block is made using a combination of the following:
* Squares
* Half-square triangles
* Quarter-square triangles
* Diamond in a square
The beauty of these blocks is the endless variety of designs that come from fabric placement and color contrast within their design.
You will notice that Braced Star is a variation of Ohio Star - the center square has been changed. Also Gemstone is a variation of Braced Star - the four corner squares have been changed.
To download these patterns
you will need to have Adobe Reader on your computer. It is a free
software program and can be downloaded here.
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Above is a quilt sample made from Gemstone Block. I have not included and instructions for this as it is to show how effective star blocks can be when placed side by side in a quilt and to inspire you to create your own quilt. Have fun!
I have designed these blocks and quilts using Electric Quilt 7 (EQ7), a quilting program that I highly recommend.
Block Sewing Tips
1. When sewing a block together it is important to use an accurate ¼” seam allowance. In quilting that’s sewing a ‘scant ¼” seam’. This means a seam that is a thread or two less than a true ¼” – these few extra threads are taken up as you fold the fabric back on the seam. You can buy a ¼” foot for your machine which creates a scant ¼” seam when you run the edge of the foot along the edge of the fabric.
There are times when it is OK to not use a scant ¼” seam. If you are the only person sewing the quilt then as long as your seams and points are consistent it won’t matter. Your finished quilt may end up slightly smaller or larger but everything will still align properly.
2. Piecing blocks together. Each block is made up of smaller squares, either 9 or 16 squares. Some of these smaller squares need no sewing whereas others consist of two half-square triangles that need to be sewn together to make a small square. When you have the completed number of small squares, sew them together in rows. Finally sew the rows together.
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