Quilt Stores Directory

Are you planning your next trip and want to visit a few quilt shops while your away? Check out my growing directory below. 

The shop listings are organised by country within regions of the world. Where possible I have added an image beside each shops listing. I really wanted an inside photo of the types of fabric they sell so if you have a fabulous photo that you'd like me to add please contact me via my 'Contact Me' at the bottom of this page & attach your photos - thank you!

This list is a work in progress (begun September 2017 & hopefully completed by mid 2018) and I'd love your input. If you own a quilt shop or as a quilter have a favourite shop that I haven't listed yet then please let me and every visitor to my site know by contacting me via the 'Contact Me' at the bottom of the page.

Thank you!


Australia 101

New Zealand 26


Austria  12

Belgium 33

Denmark 45

France 78

Germany 177

Ireland 15

Italy 18 - 3 quilt shops & 15 fabric shops

Luxembourg 6

Netherlands 105

Norway 33

Portugal 8

Spain 51

Sweden 20

Switzerland 39

United Kingdom 167

North America



United States

Do you have a favourite quilt shop and want to tell everyone about it - great! This is a directory to help everyone find what they are looking for, so please share your knowledge below. 

When contacting me regarding a shop you love... with a shops new address... or letting me know a shop is no longer in business... please include the following details:

  • Country of the shop
  • Shops name
  • Shops address - if known
  • Updated information regarding the shop

Thank you in advance...

Quilt shops provide more than fabric, patterns & notions they are also a great source of knowledge and inspiration to help you through your current/next project so ask the staff for advice while you’re there.

To avoid disappointment:

 …phone them first and check that they will be open on the days you’ll be there and what their hours are. 

There is nothing worse than turning up to a quilt store only to find they are closed! Hours can change due to seasons, local events & holidays. I’ve done this while visiting New York (I’m from New Zealand!) and was so disappointed due to a public holiday!

Sometimes it is just not possible to visit a quilt shop or when you do they don’t have what you need so I have included a directory of online quilt stores as well. 

This directory is in development so please if you have a favourite quilt shop that I have not listed then fill out the form above so I can add them to my list. Similarly if a quilt shop is no longer trading then let me know above - I and my readers greatly appreciate it!

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