Luxembourg Quilt Shops

Welcome! Below you will find a list of the Luxembourg quilt shops so you can visit them on your next trip!  I have also added a map showing all the Luxembourg quilt shops locations - hopefully that helps you when planning your next shopping trip in Luxembourg.

I have found it best to contact the shops you want to visit in advance so that you wont be disappointed by finding them closed due to holidays etc. It would also probably pay to confirm their opening hours on the days you are planning on visiting. 

The Luxembourg quilt shops listings are organised by post code. Where possible I have added an image beside each shops listing. I really wanted an inside photo of the types of fabric they sell so if you have a fabulous photo that you'd like me to add then let me know via the 'Contact Me' at the bottom of this page & attach your photos - thank you!

Find any new quilt shops in Luxembourg - let me know and I will add them to the list! Also if there is any information that's incorrect let me know as well.

Thank you!

Luxembourg Quilt Shops


17 Rue du Fort Elisabeth,
L-1463  Luxembourg  
+352 40 05 06


Knode Nähzentrum

5 Rue Glesener,
L-1631 Luxembourg
+352 494 411

Knode Nähzentrum

Arlette Créations

78 Avenue G.D. Charlotte,
L-3440 Dudelange  Luxembourg 
+352 521 919

Arlette Créations

Leilas Patchwork

53 Rue de Limpach,
L-4467 Sanem Luxembourg 
+352 661 630 209

Leilas Patchwork


11 Rue de l'Oree du Bois,
L-7215 Bereldange Luxembourg 
+352 27 76 77 11


Crea Fil

35 Rue Principale,
L-7450 Lintgen Luxembourg 
+352 26 32 22 32

Crea Fil

Tell us about your favourite quilt shop in Luxembourg

Please contact me via the 'Contact Me' at the bottom of this page to let me know about your favourite quilt shop or the details I need to update any outdated information on the page above, with the following details:

  • Which country the shop is in
  • Quilt shops name
  • Quilt shops address - if known
  • Your comment, photos etc

If you are a shop owner and would like to be added to this directory then please contact me the same way - via the 'Contact Me' and I'd be very happy to add you to my directory. Please also let me know your web address or Facebook URL and if you have a fabulous photo of your shop either inside or outside please include that.

Thank you in advance!

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