Quilted Dolls House

Made in 2016

My daughter was given this Quilted Dolls House pattern from a friend who had had it for more than 10 years and not used it. (Oh, I have a few of those patterns in my back cupboard too!!).

She passed it onto me - ever hopeful!! Well I must admit it was too cute to not attempt, so it was off to my stash for all the brightest fabrics I could find with any matching trimmings as well. When I opened up the pattern I found several wee buttons had already been purchased, like to clock button in the kitchen and the kennel outside the back door. Lucky me!

Years earlier I had attended one of Jane Coughlan's doll making classes so I was ecstatic to find that this pattern was one of hers! If you click on the link to Jane's patterns you will find another pattern for Pete’s Garage. So if a wee dolls house isn't suitable then maybe this one will be.

This was a fun project to make. I found that I needed to read through the pattern first - in fact I think I did this several times! Each completed wall consists of 6 layers so I had to get my head around that.

The only other issue I had was that all those layers have to be hand sewn together at the end to create the binding that holds all those walls together. Jane did a great job describing this but my fingers did get quite sore!! In hind sight I probably should have used a curved needle to make this more doable.

Below are a selection of photos showing my finished Quilted Dolls House. Enjoy!!

Front of the house

Back of the house

I think it is all the embellishments that make this house. There are so many fabulous buttons to buy that I found I went quite over board and had way too many.

As for trims - I found that a lot harder to source here in New Zealand as I wanted very specific styles that are probably out of date. In the end I used whatever I could find.

House untied showing floors folded up into each room.

House tied shut.


Kitchen/dining room

All the windows are cut out and bound after each room is completed but before being sewn together into the house.



Below is a birds eye view of the house.

This wee house was a great hit with my grand daughter. She let her big sister know that it was hers!! She uses her Mac Donald's toys and any small soft toys with this house.

This house makes a great toy to take away on holiday. Put it in a bag with a few wee toys and away you go.

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