Joannes Designs Week36
Joanne's Maze Quilt 52" x 62"

Joannes Designs Week36 'Joanne's Maze Quilt' a two colored design I created using blacks and whites. This is a very simple quilt to make and can easily be made by the beginning quilter. The most difficult element of this quilt is the actual path of the maze.

You will need to take care when arranging your layout if you choose to deviate from the one I have supplied. I kept finding that I needed to make wee adjustments as I would find some paths being 2 squares thick instead of one - so frustrating!

I constructed this quilt using 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" cut squares. You are going to need a lot of these! 

Black  1421 plus borders

White  1579

The fabric yardage required is 2 3/4 yards of each colour (this allows for the black borders as well). You will need to add an extra 3/4 yard of fabric for a double binding, cut 2 1/2" wide.

Initially I made my quilt from 30 different blocks. Each block being 10" x 10". I have added a couple of these blocks below for you to see.

While playing with the design on EQ7 I realized I needed help. I found several different websites for ideas and inspiration. I have listed them below:

Unikatissima's Maze Generator applet

Mazes to Print

After going through designing this quilt I think there is a simpler way! Wish I'd thought of this at the beginning. Instead of making 30 blocks each 10" x 10" it would be easier to make a four patch 2" x 2" in 3 different combinations of blacks and whites as shown below:

2 by 2

2 black squares & 2 white squares

Almost 2/3 of the blocks in my quilt are these.

1 by 3

1 black square & 3 white squares

Almost 1/3 of the blocks in my quilt are these.

3 by 1

3 black squares & 1 white square

This is the least common block in the quilt.

To download the pattern click on the image below.

Joanne's Maze Quilt

My advice when making Joannes Designs Week36 Maze Quilt:

1. This quilt can be made in any colour combination. Try a mix of dark fabrics with a mix of very pale fabrics.

2. My quilt design would be enhanced if I had added a start and finish white square in the border. When designing this quilt I had 4 points of entry/exit in mind. One in each corner.

3. If strip piecing is your preferred method then this quilt lends itself to this method. I have made all the individual pieces 1" x 1" finished. The blocks below finish at 2" x 2" square.

Cut your fabric into 1 1/2" wide strips.

Sew two strips (one white & the other black) together.

Cut each strip into 2 1/2" lengths. 

Cut your fabric into 1 1/2" wide strips.

Sew two strips (one white & the other black) together.

Cut each strip into 1 1/2" lengths.

Sew each strip onto 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" white pieces.

Cut your fabric into 1 1/2" wide strips.

Sew two strips (one white & the other black) together.

Cut each strip into 1 1/2" lengths.

Sew each strip onto 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" black pieces.

4. Lay all the blocks out on a flat surface or design wall. This is the time to adjust the positioning of any of the blocks. It is so easy to find one facing the wrong way!!!

I hope you enjoyed 'Maze Quilt' from Joannes Designs Week36. Just 16 patterns to go!

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